Why we’ve joined the rail industry’s safety body.

We’re proud to say that Storycatchers is now an affiliate member of the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB). 

Our decision to join the RSSB reflects the growing number of safety and wellbeing campaigns that we’re working on for the rail industry. Seeing the results of our work – cutting trespass, reducing injuries and improving welfare – has been incredibly satisfying and we want to keep learning and improving. 

The RSSB drives so much of the industry’s safety thinking in this area, so it felt like a natural fit. 

It’s also a way of meeting others in the rail safety community and sharing our experiences. 

As with our IPA membership, we believe in investing in the areas that’ll make our work more effective. 

We’re already tapping into the RSSB’s insights and look forward to expanding our network in the rail community this year. 

Like to know more? Here’s a link to the RSSB website.


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